Adolescence us the development of womanhood or manhood. Since in today's society that is the highschool age it is no surprise that the identity developed in highschool remains with people into thwir adulthood. Highschool is supposed to be when people are maturing tobtheir adulthood. It was widely pished by society, so much so that when one leaves the sheltered local highschool they have huge potential to fall on their butt. Highschool is incredibly sheltered. Everyone is around to "help you." From second chances on papers to late work to having your counselor fill out a majority of your college application and guide along the process. None of this is available when one leaves the highshool bubble where little to life experience is gained.
College is a entirely different world. Procrastination is not rewarded nor are there any exceptions. If you dont appy for your classes early then you may not get your class at all. There is no who will help you research what classes you in order to achieve your goal. It's just you. Forget complaining about a "bad teacher" put on your big kid pants and deal with it. If someone in highschool is attractive and confident that is more than likely to follow them into their college years. These characteristics will help a person sink or swim.
If you are friendly in highschool your friend base will be larger and already exist entering college. But introverted people will have eve a harder time makinf friends. By no means will people be rude to you but it's rare for you to be invited to "hang out." Adults are no less vicious than teenagers if anything they are more vicious.
Perhaps the largest reason people remain almost identical to their highschool selves is because habits die hard. Good or bad. An individual who loves their food and television set neglecting a workout routine or healthy food choices will likely continue this path. Thus being obese in highschool will most likely result in adult obesity. After all, a group of people decided to put the pressures of adulthood on teenage minds.If you must be an adult when you exit highschool why wouldn't you remain the identicle to your 16 year old self. People need to stop worrying about the thoughts of others especially when it comes to their identity. Of course this tragedy does not befall all people, just enough for satistitions to call it a majority.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Cooking Try Three

Pies have been around for hundreds of years and had an original name of "coffins" or "coffyns". The origins of pie can be traced back to 9500 BC!!!!!!! 1304 to 1237 BC there are records of bakers "getting fancy" incorporating nuts and honey into their pies.
A tart is another form of pie. It has an open top with neither a crust or a crumb topping. Fruit tarts for example often consist of a bottom crust a firm custard or pudding filling and fresh fruit om the top. There is even a name for a small tart, called a tartlet.
Both options are delicious deserts. More often than not people choose pie over cake! Almost everyone has a favorite pie. And with so many options its hard not to appeal to a majority of the population.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Post 9/11
Young children are usually blissfully ignorant. And being a child at the time of 9/11 the memory of the world before and during the crisis is almost none existent. The older my generation became the more they learned about the tragedy. However it is all bits and pieces of what happened and what life was like before, not actual experiences but secondary ones.
The four essays read in class shed new light on the changes that occurred. They almost suggest that America became so much more racist since 9/11. That racial profiling created itself that day. I am sure that it was around before and obviously criminal profiling was around before as well but from the articles and essays it seems that the deed came out into the sunshine after 9/11. It was somehow justifiable to racially profile for the safety of the nation. I do agree with some aspects of racial profiling but it is also the only thing I know, as many have previously stated. However immigrating here from Russia just days before the attack I do recall the ease of our travels. Our rabbit did not get checked at all there was no line whats so ever. In between refueling passengers did not have to get off the plane if they did not desire too. That is only a small glimpse of it though. Now when we send my grandmother back to Russia we have to be there TWO HOURS in advance to be remotely on time for her flight.
There are times where racial profiling can be silly, if you detain somebody and scan their luggage and talk to them a bit about what they are doing and where they are going and they "check out" then let them go. The process should not take hours upon hours and delay the flight for others as well. People are trained to recognize suspicious behavior, if not use a lie detector machine or something. But holding people for hours is not rational.
Under the Patriot Act the FBI gained large amounts of power. This power is contained to national terrorism. "Big Brother" is a good thing but it also isn't. What in life is only good? Almost everything has some sort of downside. While privacy is compromised national security is not, or that is the idea anyways. It is hard to imagine a day that the government was not "all up in your business" including things you buy or the websites you look at. We, my generation, are privileged to live amongst a generation that has experienced the changes that happened post 9/11 first hand. They know the before and the after and are able to write about it or tell us about it. These first hand accounts put into perspective, if only slightly, the drastic changes that occurred.
The four essays read in class shed new light on the changes that occurred. They almost suggest that America became so much more racist since 9/11. That racial profiling created itself that day. I am sure that it was around before and obviously criminal profiling was around before as well but from the articles and essays it seems that the deed came out into the sunshine after 9/11. It was somehow justifiable to racially profile for the safety of the nation. I do agree with some aspects of racial profiling but it is also the only thing I know, as many have previously stated. However immigrating here from Russia just days before the attack I do recall the ease of our travels. Our rabbit did not get checked at all there was no line whats so ever. In between refueling passengers did not have to get off the plane if they did not desire too. That is only a small glimpse of it though. Now when we send my grandmother back to Russia we have to be there TWO HOURS in advance to be remotely on time for her flight.
There are times where racial profiling can be silly, if you detain somebody and scan their luggage and talk to them a bit about what they are doing and where they are going and they "check out" then let them go. The process should not take hours upon hours and delay the flight for others as well. People are trained to recognize suspicious behavior, if not use a lie detector machine or something. But holding people for hours is not rational.
Under the Patriot Act the FBI gained large amounts of power. This power is contained to national terrorism. "Big Brother" is a good thing but it also isn't. What in life is only good? Almost everything has some sort of downside. While privacy is compromised national security is not, or that is the idea anyways. It is hard to imagine a day that the government was not "all up in your business" including things you buy or the websites you look at. We, my generation, are privileged to live amongst a generation that has experienced the changes that happened post 9/11 first hand. They know the before and the after and are able to write about it or tell us about it. These first hand accounts put into perspective, if only slightly, the drastic changes that occurred.
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