Monday, January 28, 2013

Cooking Try Three

Cooking can be anything from a hobby to a neccesity. Of course in the world of fast food galour one might thinkbthe art of cooking is lost. But there are sane people left in this world, for now. While cooking and baking are two very different things, if you make it, it goes into your mouth and its edible I consider it to be cooking. My latest creation has been pie. Blackberry and Anjou pear pie with a crumb topping. This id a recipe I obtained from a close friend of mine. However instead of plain old pie I decided to add a twist. Among trying out pie in a jar the majority of it went into cupcake molds.

This recipe is a mix of two different recipes. One for the filling and a different recipe for the crumb topping. Of course the crust comes with its own recipe as well. All scrambled into one piece of paper.

Pies have been around for hundreds of years and had an original name of "coffins" or "coffyns". The origins of pie can be traced back to 9500 BC!!!!!!!  1304 to 1237 BC there are records of bakers "getting fancy" incorporating nuts and honey into their pies.
A tart is another form of pie. It has an open top with neither a crust or a crumb topping. Fruit tarts for example often consist of a bottom crust a firm custard or pudding filling and fresh fruit om the top. There is even a name for a small tart, called a tartlet.
Both options are delicious deserts. More often than not people choose pie over cake! Almost everyone has a favorite pie. And with so many options its hard not to appeal to a majority of the population.

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