Monday, January 28, 2013

Never Leaving Highschool!

Adolescence us the development of womanhood or manhood. Since in today's society that is the highschool age it is no surprise that the identity developed in highschool remains with people into thwir adulthood. Highschool is supposed to be when people are maturing tobtheir adulthood. It was widely pished by society, so much so that when one leaves the sheltered local highschool they have huge potential to fall on their butt. Highschool is incredibly sheltered. Everyone is around to "help you." From second chances on papers to late work to having your counselor fill out a majority of your college application and guide along the process. None of this is available when one leaves the highshool bubble where little to life experience is gained.
College is a entirely different world. Procrastination is not rewarded nor are there any exceptions. If you dont appy for your classes early then you may not get your class at all. There is no who will help you research what classes you in order to achieve your goal. It's just you. Forget complaining about a "bad teacher" put on your big kid pants and deal with it. If someone in highschool is attractive and confident that is more than likely to follow them into their college years. These characteristics will help a person sink or swim.
If you are friendly in highschool your friend base will be larger and already exist entering college. But introverted people will have eve a harder time makinf friends. By no means will people be rude to you but it's rare for you to be invited to "hang out." Adults are no less vicious than teenagers if anything they are more vicious.
Perhaps the largest reason people remain almost identical to their highschool selves is because habits die hard. Good or bad. An individual who loves their food and television set neglecting a workout routine or healthy food choices will likely continue this path. Thus being obese in highschool will most likely result in adult obesity. After all, a group of people decided to put the pressures of adulthood on teenage minds.If you must be an adult when you exit highschool why wouldn't you remain the identicle to your 16 year old self. People need to stop worrying about the thoughts of others especially when it comes to their identity. Of course this tragedy does not befall all people, just enough for satistitions to call it a majority.

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