Friday, November 9, 2012

Research Paper Progress Report

My research topic is on airport security.

Source Citation

Goldberg, Jeffrey. "U.S. Airport Security Measures Are Ineffective and Purely Symbolic." Homeland Security. Ed. James D. Torr. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004. At Issue. Rpt. from "The Things He Carried." The Atlantic Monthly 302 (1 Nov. 2008): 100-104. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 26 Oct. 2012.

This source was an account of a reported who got through airport security with various illegal things, such as an illegal ticket. He also have an outline of how the no fly list works and the flaws of the airport security system.

Source Citation

United States District Court. "Shoe Bomber Attempts Airliner Explosion." Terrorism: Essential Primary Sources. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. Detroit: Gale, 2006. 293-296. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 26 Oct. 2012.

This link shows the exploits of the airport security measures right after 9/11 the aritcle exaplains an incident with a shoe bomber that got through security just three months after 9/11. His show bomb did not have any metal in it thus is was no detected.

This is a link to our government text book, there is a short segment in the text book that talks about a bomber that got through security and how Obama handled the incident.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Complaint Blogs (Scholarships)

     Scholarship applications, we are assured they are everywhere then we are told that not only are they everywhere but that they are easy most of the time. Why do they repeat this information time and time again? Because they are convinced that we must apply to as many as possible, and that in order to get the point across it must be repeated beyond human measure.
     Scholarships are in not in anyway easy, however they are everywhere. Finding ones that you qualify more is just a quarter of the battle. First you have to find the scholarship! Yes, there are websites for these things. But the websites are not easy either, you have to fill out an entirely new profile for EVERY website, find a username that you will remember with one capital letter one lower case, some numbers but under any circumstances NO SYMBALS. Then you must store this information somewhere, preferably on a sheet of paper with the rest of your login for every other websites you’ve applied to.
     Now that you are on the website they send you emails with scholarships that you are “eligible” for, however when reading the fine print they could not be farther off on your eligibility. So then you spend fifteen minutes of your time looking through every scholarship the websites thinks you can apply to and eliminate about half.
     Next you click to apply for the scholarships, guess what?!? Another profile to create with a new username and password, because somehow the lower case, upper case and some numbers is not a secure enough password for this website. You end up writing your name thousands of times, and your address and email and birthday, over and over again. Then you finally get to the scholarship, this is what the last thirty minutes was spent for! The instructions for what one must do, drum roll….list five of your friends numbers so we can text them about the election. Seriously? Could it not have been stated in the brief description of the directions that you wanted personal cell phone numbers of people who need to share their personal cell phone number for my scholarship. But here is the kicker, you are simply entered for a drawing to win a scholarship.
     This mess is not easy, while there are tons of these “opportunities” out there they are not exactly ones that people are confortable with. What happened to writing an essay? Where did the simplicity go? Sure you fill out your personal information out billions of time but if you know the goal from the beginning then it is not a waste of time such as many of the online scholarships that are available now. College is supposed to be difficult, but getting to college? Should it really be such a challenge? 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Senior Project Update!

     Having recently changed my senior project there was a lot to be done in the last few weeks. I have changed my letter intent and gotten all the necessary paperwork signed. My old topic was on the importance of dental hygiene and has transformed into the differences between elder care. My specific topic has been the differences between in home care, by family or a professional or facility care.
     My mentor interview will be done this week and I have already constructed many questions that I want to ask my mentor. The more I research the topic the more interest I gain the topic. For example writing the mentor interview started slow, but the more I considered it the more genuine questions came up, things that I actually want to know.
     I would have never guessed that there are so many different methods of care by which to care for an elder. For my project I will be constructing a pamphlet of resources for elder care in the city of Napa. The different methods and facilities in Napa, as well as which facility uses which method. Prices and perhaps pictures will also be included in this pamphlet.
     My field work has consisted of working with the residents at Piner's Nursing home. Three days a week I am granted the opportunity to interact with them whether it be playing a game or just talking about life. I observe the type of care received at the nursing home as well as how well it follows the Eden Principle. In a nut shell the Eden Principle focuses on a healthy life avoiding medications that can inhibit a resident from interacting with others. The Eden Principle encourages that animals reside at the facility and that there are plants around. Attempting to gain a "homey" feel, or as close as they can get to one.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Politics and the English Language Response

     Politics truly exploits the world of language a lot. Orwell makes a good point with his essay, politicians hide behind their confusing speeches with misused English and simply complex English. Society has come to embrace these allusions instead of demanding clarity everyone plays the game. We decipher their puzzles one word at a time.
     Orwell begins his essay with examples in paragraph three. He lists five passages that he believes have a large deal of "faults of [their] own" as he says. He proceeds to explain exactly What the problem is. He transfers to using categories in explaining the faults of his examples. The categories are as follows; dying metaphors, operators or verbal false limbs, pretentious diction and meaningless words. While dying metaphors are not commonly used among our current political populous meaningless words are at large. Politicians pack their speeches with not only meaningless words but also promises. By categorizing the different aspects of exploited language Orwell can truly highlight his points and the audience can clearly understand his point.
     Orwell describes in detail that often the phrases that are used in speeches are used incorrectly and people go on to continue to use them incorrectly starting a bad trend. Bad language is something that spreads and people adapt to understand of the years. However I am sure somewhere out there English teachers are shaking their heads.
     Last but not least Orwell concludes with a "rules [that] sound elementary"  but he also warns that "one could keep all of them and still write bad English." I found the slightest bit of irony that while Orwell's essay talks about hard to understand language the essay itself is not written in our time and was not always as clear as a recreation in 2012 would be.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Blog Finding

Planetary Nebula (Sept 1 2011 Picture of the day)
Astronomy has always been a point of interest in my life. There are no words to describe the images that come from beyond the earth. The beauty is simply breathtaking, there are no words that can encompass. This blog consists of a daily picture from NASA. But instead of stopping at just a picture there is a name, as well as an explanation for what it is going on. This explanation is done by by a highly educated astronomer. In other words, this blog not only shows us the wonders of our ever expanding universe, but has an explanation of what it actually is we are looking at. I found this blog while looking at Tom's Astronomy Blog and though it may not have in-depth stories it does have linked words that guide you to a page with a lengthy explanation of the topic. Here is the link to all the pictures!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Research Paper Blog

     Despite the number of years that have passed since the tragic day of Septermber 11, 2001 it has not been forgotten. Other things mill around the papers and peoples hearts for a few months and then are buried by most. But the fatal day that the United States was drawn together still lives on in infamy. Regardless of the opinions on how horrific the day was people still grips about the effects it has ahd on the country. While there are not complaints about Ground Zero there is endless dissatisfaction with the new airport security measures that have taken place. For research I will be using the various essay written about the new airport secutiy measures as well as researching the new specific laws and how they have changed since Septemner 11. Seeing as how I arrived tot his country a meer three days before the disastor I remember how simple it was to get here. We literally snuck our rabbit into the country for free. Having travelled recently with the newly placed x-ray machines and the endless searching through luggage, this is a topic that concern all. Though this topic does not hold any mystery to it there is a surprising amount of people who still do not know a lot about the new changes. Even though there is a lot of gumbling the changes are for the best and hopefully with all of the new rules there will be prevention of having another disastor.

Second Interest Post on Cooking

 Cooking is a popular hobby to say the least, for some it is even a job. However there are millions of people out there that not only enjoy cooking but they enjoy eating the results. While not all results are successful ones it is always a learning experience. Throughout the generation the qualifications for cooking have changed. The standards have evolved from being a pure feminine obligation that only a female knows how to complete, to more a hobby that is open for both sexes. Often times the famous chefs are males. There are numerous cultures out there with very different styles of cooking, so naturally all the styles have been shared. Starting at traveling by words, to being written down and later on mass produced with the introduction of the printing press, now there are numerous blogs devoted to food.  Each blog offers something different, with the internet there isn't anything that is kept from anyone who just dares to look a little.
The Pure Recipe Blog
Of course as the society moves away from written words to typed ones there will be blogs that model after their predecessors the cook books. Simply Recipes is one of those blogging spots. There are endless categories to pick from that offer a selection of even MORE different styles to cook for example lamb. This design spreads cultural influence through food.  Each recipe comes with little blurbs from the author, more often than not something completely irrelevant to the land of cooking.
Guidance of where to Eat Blog
Why make your own food? As food is an essential needs for the human body it has become a booming industry, after all in America one can make anything easy. With restaurants around every corner, even though it may only be a McDonalds there is obviously a blog out there about WHERE to get the best food. Such blogs are usually centered around famous dining’s in large cities and sometimes even about chain business’. For example in the Serious Eats blog they write about Chili’s and their new release of their pizza, “To be fair, there is a reason Chili's has met with success; whatever can be said about the quality or creativity, their product is consistent and has a broad appeal, with a menu that includes hamburgers, tacos, and fajitas. What it appears they've done now is to have taken parts of that menu, put them on round pieces of bread with some cheese, thrown them in an oven and called them pizzas.” It is always reassuring that someone out there that can critic the food so perhaps you will know if you want to go there or not.

Enjoyable Food Blog

While food blogs are usually filled with recipes and good advice there is always a blog just about the food not how to make it. This style is specifically for blogging purposes for the writer to create and entertain and gain a wide fan base in order to have an audience to entertain. One of the better ones that have been discovered is this Cake Wrecks blog. People send in pictures of, well, cake wrecks, cakes that are entirely ridiculous for their purpose.

            "That's right, LOTS of cupcake cakes! With airbrushing! And curly ribbon! And this one is supposed to be a guitar!"

The Broad Blog

There is always a broad blog one very topic. This one, The Kitchen, offers some recipes, some advice on how to cook better, special techniques for cooking as well as picture of different kitchens. This blog is in between being for pure pleasure and yet there are things to be learned from this blog. Picture of the various kitchen have design insirations and the pictures of delicious food are motivational to learn how to cook. Regardless the specified topic all food blogs are about FOOD! They have a knack for making their readers hungry.

Monday, October 1, 2012

I want a Husband

Not so long ago a dear friend of mine called and expressed her happiness with her husband. They have been married for many years now and he never ceases to please her. That made me think how much I want a husband. One much like hers, who will stop at no bound to ensure my happiness. A husband who can express his love and care no matter the other emotion he may be feeling at that point in time.
            He does not have to be a perfect man, but he has to be a real man. Not afraid to admit his wrongs, one who will swallow his pride. A husband that is not convinced he right all the time, especially with no experience on the topic. Anger does not bother me a long as an apology follows. I want a husband with genuine feelings, one who may not always remember the special occasion but when he does has a carefully thought out gift. Someone who is not afraid to color outside the lines once in a while, yet also be a careful man who can communicate well.
            When it comes to children the responsibility must be split. I want a husband who will not complain when it is his SECOND time changing a poopy diaper of the day. When the children grow older the communication must increase, between doctors appointments and haircuts, there has to be a meeting of the minds as to who does what, where and how. No chore should exceed my husbands capabilities, if he is not “good” at a certain chore that he happens not to like, well, practice makes perfect does it not?
            The husband does not have to be entirely understanding, just aware. Just because he does not understand why I feel the way I do on a certain subject does not mean he should not keep it in his mind. And when the next time comes where the subject, item or situation comes afloat, his reaction should be encompassing of my emotions on it, even if they are not understood.
            I want a husband who is a leader. That does not mean that he does not get from time to time, it just means the he can slow down and handle the situation. He does not always have to pretend to be all knowing, if he needs help he should be able to ask for it. I want a husband who will speak up, but know how to do it tactfully. If there is something he does not appreciate he should voice his opinion but do so with consideration towards me.
            There should be no concept of giving up in my husband’s brain. Once you are married this is the choice you made, there is no easy way out, or any way out at all. Just because life is not as easy as he pictured does not mean he gets to walk away and try again, especially since he will find it will not be much easier the second time around. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Mitford response #1

From Journal to Essay.

   As a nation that would rather describe death as "passing away" or "resting in peace", compared to being blunt and saying they are dead, the typical embalmer must have a vast customer list. However popular blissful ignorance when speaking of death may be, and however hard people may try to "shield" their youngster's eyes from the horrible clutches of death, death is death. A person is simply dead and they are not meant to look remotely alive, even zombies do not physically represent a human complexion.
   Of course the mortician is out to make money, people do anything for money. Not to mention it is a nice quiet job where one can be left to themselves in solitude to think about anything they wish. He or she feeds the hunger for ignorance by skillfully chiseling an appearance of life onto the deceased individual. For the family it is easier to see their family member in a peaceful state so they can be left with a fairy tale image of their loved one, trying to wipe away the memories of suffering and tears. No one has any desire to face the truth that the word dead brings about.
   There are costs to a society that hides everything under the sheets, if the dead are taken advantage of, there is no limit to what else is swept under the rug in order for the "ugly" not to be seen. A parent's drinking problem, a serious health problem, some individuals actually go out and pretend they have a job even when they have lost it. All out of shame, afraid to show weakness. Such a society that is built upon weakness cannot not advance rapidly if at all. People only grow stronger and advance through making mistakes and learning from them.
   It may seem insignificant but when the dirty laundry is aired the embalming process is truly a molestation of a human being. And even though the relatives may not be aware of what exactly is happening they are partaking in a ritual of ignorant selfishness. The phrase "don't judge a book by it's cover" goes both ways, not only may you pass up a good book with a bad cover, but just because it looks good doesn't mean it is.

Monday, September 10, 2012


      In this passage Kozol targets the audiences emotions. His paragraphs give countless examples of daily tasks that everyone in society takes for granted, anyone that can accomplish these tasks that is. Kozol narrows his focus with a thesis stating that America is no so democratic if close to 60 million people cannot read and thus cannot vote. They have trouble with contacts and bill paying, they cannot read what the contract desires from them and thus may be tricked verbally into obeying something that is not there or accidentally break the contract. 
      Not only can they not vote but also they cannot read the labels on prescription bottles, or buy the necessary food when they are out shopping. When smoking they are not bale to read the warning on the side of the package, but to a majority of humanity the idea of smoking should not sound healthy in the first place. When in an emergency situation the illiterate individuals may not be able to get proper help because not only do they not remember where they are or how to get thee, they may in an entirely different location than what they are used to and are not able to read to have a familiar location for the police or anyone else they are calling. 
      The breakdown of situations and the detail placed into them is meant to grab the audience’s attention, truly relating to turmoil that the people go through not occasionally but daily. The examples are daily tasks because Kozol is targeting a large audience, one which is bound to do one or more of those things. All the appeals are used, logical ethical and emotional. 
      This emotionally based structure may evoke empathy and perhaps even sympathy from some, but everyone has the ability to learn to read in America. That is the beauty of being the, free public education! The passage mentions that one of the illiterate persons children could read, they could easy teach their parent how to read. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Narrative Essay!

Here it is!

Culinary Arts!

The culinary arts! Something that I have always desired to learn about, feeling incompetent not knowing the first thing about the kitchen, except obviously how to boil some noodles and scramble some eggs.  My mother has never been a chef and does not have a large conviction to prepare much food for the family, at least not on a daily basis. It has been every man for themselves for a long time. With this unfortunate predicament one would guess that each individual would have developed some sort of skill, but once again no such luck has struck, at least for me. Even some attempts of cooking from a recipe has not turned out as fortunately as expected. As anything in life, hard work is ahead in order to try and salvage a part of my womanhood.
From the start of my culinary career, which is only about since the beginning of this school year, a lot has already been learned. Such as there is a difference between mixing and folding items into batter. Almond Poppy Seed Muffins, from the box, require that the poppy seeds be folded into the mix and no mixed, the reason being that if you mix them the seeds will all congregate at the bottom of the batter instead of being evenly distributed. My best success other than the muffins has been no bake cheesecake! Easy and delicious! With simple ingredients of cream cheese, vanilla, sour cream, cool whip and sugar one cannot go wrong. Add some blueberries on top and you have a tasty treat for the next day. The baked cheesecake is yet something that will be experimented on later.
One major actual food success has been soy pizza! A strange thing to be called a pizza considering it has no cheese AND no tomato sauce the invention is delicious and something I can actually ingest without suffering! Yes, being lactose intolerant is an awful thing. An addition of olives, spinach, tomatoes, and two kinds of peppers makes the pizza even better. Taking no longer than an hours work a delicious dinner is on the table.
Hopefully with plenty of experimentation and time one day I shall know how to cook a variety of things, and have the actually be edible!