Cooking is a popular hobby to say the least, for some it is even a job. However there are millions of people out there that not only enjoy cooking but they enjoy eating the results. While not all results are successful ones it is always a learning experience. Throughout the generation the qualifications for cooking have changed. The standards have evolved from being a pure feminine obligation that only a female knows how to complete, to more a hobby that is open for both sexes. Often times the famous chefs are males. There are numerous cultures out there with very different styles of cooking, so naturally all the styles have been shared. Starting at traveling by words, to being written down and later on mass produced with the introduction of the printing press, now there are numerous blogs devoted to food. Each blog offers something different, with the internet there isn't anything that is kept from anyone who just dares to look a little.
Of course as the society moves away from written words to typed ones there will be blogs that model after their predecessors the cook books. Simply Recipes is one of those blogging spots. There are endless categories to pick from that offer a selection of even MORE different styles to cook for example lamb. This design spreads cultural influence through food. Each recipe comes with little blurbs from the author, more often than not something completely irrelevant to the land of cooking.
Guidance of where to Eat Blog
Enjoyable Food Blog

"That's right, LOTS of cupcake cakes! With airbrushing! And curly ribbon! And this one is supposed to be a guitar!"
The Broad Blog
There is always a broad blog one very topic. This one, The Kitchen, offers some recipes, some advice on how to cook better, special techniques for cooking as well as picture of different kitchens. This blog is in between being for pure pleasure and yet there are things to be learned from this blog. Picture of the various kitchen have design insirations and the pictures of delicious food are motivational to learn how to cook. Regardless the specified topic all food blogs are about FOOD! They have a knack for making their readers hungry.
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