Monday, October 1, 2012

I want a Husband

Not so long ago a dear friend of mine called and expressed her happiness with her husband. They have been married for many years now and he never ceases to please her. That made me think how much I want a husband. One much like hers, who will stop at no bound to ensure my happiness. A husband who can express his love and care no matter the other emotion he may be feeling at that point in time.
            He does not have to be a perfect man, but he has to be a real man. Not afraid to admit his wrongs, one who will swallow his pride. A husband that is not convinced he right all the time, especially with no experience on the topic. Anger does not bother me a long as an apology follows. I want a husband with genuine feelings, one who may not always remember the special occasion but when he does has a carefully thought out gift. Someone who is not afraid to color outside the lines once in a while, yet also be a careful man who can communicate well.
            When it comes to children the responsibility must be split. I want a husband who will not complain when it is his SECOND time changing a poopy diaper of the day. When the children grow older the communication must increase, between doctors appointments and haircuts, there has to be a meeting of the minds as to who does what, where and how. No chore should exceed my husbands capabilities, if he is not “good” at a certain chore that he happens not to like, well, practice makes perfect does it not?
            The husband does not have to be entirely understanding, just aware. Just because he does not understand why I feel the way I do on a certain subject does not mean he should not keep it in his mind. And when the next time comes where the subject, item or situation comes afloat, his reaction should be encompassing of my emotions on it, even if they are not understood.
            I want a husband who is a leader. That does not mean that he does not get from time to time, it just means the he can slow down and handle the situation. He does not always have to pretend to be all knowing, if he needs help he should be able to ask for it. I want a husband who will speak up, but know how to do it tactfully. If there is something he does not appreciate he should voice his opinion but do so with consideration towards me.
            There should be no concept of giving up in my husband’s brain. Once you are married this is the choice you made, there is no easy way out, or any way out at all. Just because life is not as easy as he pictured does not mean he gets to walk away and try again, especially since he will find it will not be much easier the second time around. 


  1. Anna- I love this realistic expectation for you. I believe that someday you will have a husband because your expectations are very mature and realistic. You do not take the concept of marriage lightly. -E.

  2. I love this post. Honesty rings throughout and I enjoy the thought put into this. Your discussion of marriage itself (untouched by most) says a lot of what you think of being a wife or having a husband.
